
Litter Prevention

There are many ways Keep San Antonio Beautiful helps to clean up the litter in San Antonio.

Waterway Clean-Ups

The Texas Waterway Cleanup Program helps communities and organizations establish waterway cleanups and litter prevention activities to improve and maintain the quality of surface water. Running year-round, the program provides participants with free gloves, trash bags, litter pickup tools, posters, educational activities, and more. From youth groups and scout troops to neighbourhoods and businesses to entire communities, no cleanup is too large or small! For more information, visit Keep Texas Beautiful.


Great American Clean-Up

Keep America Beautiful's Great American Cleanup, the nation's largest community improvement program, takes place annually from March 1 through May 31, and involves an estimated 3 million volunteers and attendees nationwide. Hardworking volunteers donated more than 5.2 million hours in 2009 to clean, beautify and improve more than 32,000 communities during more than 30,000 events in all 50 states and beyond. Read more about the Great American Cleanup.

